Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Charizard #006 PokeLearning

Hey guys! Today I have some PokeLearning for ya! Today we shall be learning about charizard and his evolutions!I hope you guys learn a lot of information about charizard from this!
Charizard- charizard is a flyingyoud fire type, he is #006 in the pokemon numbers. He is known as one of the most strongest pokemon in history it seems bevaise if his nega evolutions. He is very well known it seems. And seems that people are rivaling him with many other stronger pokemon.
Here on the images above is charizard evolutionary stages starting from the right. On the right is charmander #004. Then in the middle seems to be charmelion #005 .Lastly to the left you see the final stage charizard #006. These are all fire types except the lasy evolution seems to have grown wings but once you think about it... Charizard has 2 more evolutions counting is mega evolutions.
In the image above you see mega charizard X to the right and mega charizard Y to your left. These are charizards last stages.
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