Monday, January 5, 2015

Ice Types!? PokeNews

Hey again guys! I have some PokeNews for on our lastly blog we were talking about meloetta's 3rd form, well now we are talking about ice types! Well I am going to answer a question you ice type lovers have been asking for. "Do ice types have their own symbol?", some of you said no because, ice types are technically just water types. That is a good point, but then some of you said yes, because I and water aren't compatible. Well I have some PokeNews for all if ya! The answer is Yes!!!!
Their symbol is a snowflake. Yet this symbol is rarely seen because it is new. this is yet another rumor tgat has yet been going around! Now you guys who said no must be in dome shock aren't ya!!! I honestly think ice types do deserve their own symbol. 
People like Meloetta's Radiance form need their own symbol! I don't think they should share with their melted kind. Now I am gkad if you agree wuth me. If you don't then let's what PokeNews we get in the fyture on Ice types :)
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