Monday, January 5, 2015


Hey guys! It's us and we have something we may want from you guys!😊 Now their is this new thing we are doing and it's called PokeFeed, its where you email, or text etc. Telling us what we can try to improve on our blog! You can also give us questions that we can post the answer in our blog! But at the beginning of your text or email or if you comment on our posts on Instagram, you have to put at the beginning, @PokeHelper, so we know that your helping with ideas!
Now remeber if you have any questions you can always email us at:
You can also text us! But at the beginning of the text please put @PokeWeb:
You can also find us on Google+, Instagram, and twitter!
If this was any help to you then in the comment box below please put @PokeWeb! :)

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